Groupsex in sex club

Robbie visits a sexclub for the first time in his life. He’s a bit shy and doesn’t know what to expect. He cruises around for a while and then enters a small dark room. He notices the sling hanging in the room. He’s curious and lays down to know how it feels to hang in a sling. Three horny guys followed him into the room and decide to have some fun with the newbie.

First they use several dildo’s to stretch up his hole and grab his cock and balls. Robbie is a little frightened, but he does not dare to run away from the guys. Those grabbing hands, the dildo’s and the big cocks excite him and he decides to let it all happen. Soon, his mouth and asshole are filled with big dicks. The horny guys abuse every opening in his body and all Robbie can do is moan and enjoy the hard pounding.

Once the guys are ready with the helpless Robbie, his ass is covered in juicy cum. Robbie jerks himself off to make the sticky mess even more messier. Be sure to watch this extremely hot video and experience Robbie’s first visit to a sexclub together with him.

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Used and abused in the sling
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